¿Por qué ver Arrested Development?

El 26 de Mayo del 2013 después de una gigantesca campaña de marketing volvió Arrested Development, después de 8 años de su cancelación, con una cuarta temporada de la mano de sus realizadores originales en un nuevo formato de transmisión vía Netflix.

A forma de introducción y guía y/o respuesta a los posibles cuestionamientos de “¿Qué tanto con esa cosa Arrested no se cuánto que tanto escándalo hacen?”, les cuento por qué es tan recomendable.

Arrested Development es una serie creada por  Mitchell Hurwitz originalmente transmitida por la Fox en tres temporadas desde el 2003 al 2006, del género de comedia “sit com”, en donde se conocemos a los Bluth, una familia millonaria que perdió todo y en donde Michael, el hijo «responsable» intenta mantenerla a flote a pesar de la falta de escrúpulos, egoismo y a muchas veces simple estupidez que los otros integrantes provocan capítulo tras capítulo.De “eso” se trata, No mucho más, no mucho menos.

Ahora, cuáles – según mi opinión – son los elementos que convierten a esta serie en una de las grandes al punto de que años posterior de su cancelación aún sigamos recordándola y celebrando su vuelta :

1. Los personajes a pesar que sus acciones son reprochables, sus motivaciones resultan ser enórmemente empáticas.
Al igual que las personalidades y conflictos de sus protagonistas, quienes casi como los antiguos personajes de los dibujos infantiles personifican estereotipos y conflictos al punto que ya avanzado unos cuantos capítulos es imposible definir un personaje “favorito”.

2. Los temas en general están al borde de lo apropiado y se disfruta.
El tema es que esta simpleza de trama, personalidades y motivaciones provoca que los episodios y acciones se conviertan en un juego de traiciones, malos entendidos y búsquedas de aprobación tocando constantemente temas en otras series «delicados», la homosexualidad, promiscuidad, traición, alcoholismo, estafas, son pan del cada día. Lo que ya es refrescante en un público más maduro y cansado de los típicos cliché romanticoídes estilo «Friends» o «How I Met your Mother».

3. «Cómo te cuentan los capítulos» de por sí es un juego.
El desenvolvimiento de los capítulos a manos de un narrador permite que cada capítulo sea un juego narrativo. lleno de giros, presentación de planos en paralelo, sincronización de situaciones, guiños al pasado, entre otros despliegues que bajo la voz de Ron Howard, nos ayuda a no caer ni perdernos, además de ser el portavoz oficial de las motivaciones de los personajes, y por donde podemos comprender muchas de las acciones de los Bluths.

4. Las bromas recurrentes … y de culto.
Una de las grandes aristas de esta aventura, son los guiños, son la gran e inmensa cantidad de frases, actitudes, juegos de palabras o acciones recurrentes que una y otra vez apoyan el guión. Claramente hay una complicidad de los guionistas con los espectadores de utilizar estos regalos una y otra vez al punto de hacernos celebrar estos «regalos» de la historia. 

5. Los personajes secundarios son memorables y vivos.
Lucille Austero (Lizza Minelli), Carl Weathers ( as himself ), Barry Zuckerkorn (Henry Winkler), Ann, Gene Parmesan, Bob Loblaw, Kitty Sanchez, Steve Holt, son algunos de la horda de persoanajes secundarios recurrentes, quienes «viven» alrededor de los Bluths transversalmente por toda la serie, lo que genera una capa de conflictos, guiños y parodías memorables.

6. Los easter eggs y gran repetibilidad
Finalmente, y creo a mi gusto que una de las razones por la que tiene una gran base de fans activos al día de hoy es el grandísimo factor de repetibilidad y frescura, los guionistas y desarrolladores han puesto alrededor de la serie una gran cantidad de mensajes ocultos, bromas o guiños argumentales repartidos en letereos, revistas, cruces de cámara, etc que el puro hecho de mirar un capítulo por segunda vez sea un desafío de estar atento y agradecerlo.

Según mi opinión, Arrested Development o la odias al par de capítulos y nunca más las ves en la vida o te agarra y generan un nivel de empatía gigantesco. Personalmente me considero del segundo grupo.

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Principales protagonistas y sus motivaciones : 


Michael (Jason Bateman) : El hijo preocupado de hacer “lo correcto” y salvar la familia en pro de ser un buen ejemplo para su hijo George-Michael.

George-Michael (Michael Cera) : Joven en el albor de la pubertad que lucha contra la atracción que genera su prima Maeby y lucha por ser el hijo perfecto para su padre.

Lindsay (Portia de Rossi) : La hija que busca la aprobación de su padre, y en parelelo o por lo mismo busca intensamente convertirse en la atracción sexual de cualquier hombre que se le cruce.

Tobias (David Cross) : El absurdamente confundido sexualmente esposo de Lindsay, ex terapeuta. En constante patética y fallida búsqueda de una carrera de actor.

Maeby (Alia Sahwkat) : Rebelde y manipuladora hija de Lindsay y Tobias, busca llamar la atención de sus ausentes padres.

Gob (Will Arnett) : En su búsqueda de ser el hijo predilecto por sobre su Michael se enfoca en convertirse en el mejor mago del mundo.

Buster (Tony Hale) : El hermano menor de los Bluth, intenta emanciparse de la dependencia y dominio de su madre.

Lucille Bluth (Jessica Walter) : Atrapa a Buster, provoca la enemistad entre Michael y Lindsay en pro de sus propios planes.

George Bluth (Jeffrey Tambor) : El padre de la familia, prófugo de la ley intenta mediante Lucille o Gob retomar el poder de la familia por sobre las buenas acciones de Michael.

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Luther es una serie policial transmitida originalmente por la BBC One que descubrí paséandome por Netflix hace pocos días atrás. Lo interesante y trágico de esta situación es que no sé como ya va por su tercera temporada y no me había enterado lo buenísima que era. Para evitar que pase lo mismo al resto del universo, aprovecho de recomendarla y hacer una especie de sinopsis por acá, de esta forma por lo menos yo me quedo con la conciencia tranquila que no me quedé con los brazos cruzados.

La serie de TV, como buena serie británica, consta de una primera temporada de 6 capítulos, por lo que difícilmente existen rellenos o tramas innecesarias o tópicos recurrentes, todo lo contrario, intensa y directo a la médula, en donde conocemos se nos presenta a John Luther, un obsesivo, violento y agresivo jefe de policía que no se modera ni cuestiona la moralidad de sus acciones en pro de dar justicia a los oscuros y crudos crímenes que rodean su unidad de policía londinense. Esta determinación e inestabilidad ha provocado la pérdida de su esposa, quién está en búsqueda de reinventar su vida con una nueva pareja.

En medio de este proceso de recuperar a su pareja, Luther se cruza con Alice, una mujer que a pesar que Luther con un gran esfuerzo logra descubrir como la culpable del asesinato de sus propios padres, le es imposible desenmascarar, lo que obliga a asumir que es capaz de realizar el «crimen perfecto», lo que provoca un fuerte vínculo de admiración y desprecio. Lo que desenvolverá en una relación de acoso, persecución y complicidad que se convierte en la columna vertebral de la serie que se desenvuelve un torbellino de sangre, muerte y pérdida.

El estilo decadente de presentar el crimen en Londres, como la crudeza de las acciones de los asesinos logran que Luther este teñida en sangre y una constante pérdida de la esperanza. La mayoría de los casos están encuadrados con personalidades enfermas, sociopáticas y sin piedad. La muerte rodea cada esquina y a pesar de lo inteligente y tenaz de Luther y la unidad de policía que maneja, la sensación de caída y pérdida es constante y no te suelta hasta tener cada vez más abajo.

Completamente recomendable, grandes actuaciones de Irdis Elba (John Luther) – quién ganó el Globo de Oro por mejor actuación en una miniserie el 2012 –  Ruth Wilson (Alice) e Indiira Varma (Zoe Luther). Quizás es una serie típica de policia «rudo», pero el tinte, estilo y crudeza que presenta la deja en mi lista de «must-see» por un buen rato.

Teaser de la season One.

Trailer Season One en su estreno en BBC US.

Más info :

sitio oficial : http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00vk2lp

Luther en Netflix : http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/Luther/70175633?trkid=2361637

The National – trouble will find me. Full album Lyrics

Ayer se «liberó» en la red de redes el último album del grandioso grupo The National, «Trouble will find me» se llama y estará disponible «de verdad» el próximo 20 de Mayo.

Como es complejo el concepto de espera para los entusiastas de la música y el cine, muchos ya estamos rayando con lo que la banda de Ohio entregó. Por otro lado, como soy fan, mateo y estudioso, me gusta aprender de qué van los temas y engrupirme con todo el cuento del mensaje en las lyrics.

Así que hoy me puse a buscar las lyrics – asumiendo que siempre hay alguien que se da la lata antes, ya quedó en el pasado el tiempo que escribía en un cuaderno completo el «kiss me kiss me kiss me» the The Cure con tipografías loquillas y todo – El problema es que están desparramadas en esos sitios tan rascas y que te piden ochenta clicks y cerrar veinte popups que me motivé y como ayuda a la humanidad hice un compilado para el uso propio y del resto de la humanidad.

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the national – trouble will find me

1. I should live in salt
Don’t make me read your mind
You should know me better than that
It takes me too much time
You should know me better than that
You’re not that much like me
You should know me better than that
We have different enemies
You should know me better than that
I should leave it alone but you’re not right
I should leave it alone but you’re not right

Can’t you write it on a wall
You should know me better than that
There’s no room to write it all
You should know me better than that
Can you turn the TV down
You should know me better than that
There’s too much crying in the sound
I should know you better than that
I should leave it alone but you’re not right
I should leave it alone but you’re not right

I should live in salt for leaving you behind

Think about something so much
You should know me better than that
Start to slide out of touch
You should know me better than that
Tell yourself your it’s all you know
You should know me better than that
Learn to appreciate the void
You should know me better than that

I should live in salt for leaving you behind
I should live in salt for leaving you behind

I should live in salt for leaving you behind


2. Demons
When I think of you in the city,
The sight of you among the sites.
I get this sudden sinking feeling,
Of a man about to fly.
Never kept me up before,
Now I’ve been awake for days.
I can’t fight it anymore,
I’m going through an awkward phase.
I am secretly in love with,
Everyone that I grew up with.
Do my crying underwater,
I can’t get down any farther.
All my drowning friends can see,
Now there is no running from it.
It’s become the crux of me,
I wish that I could rise above it.

But I stay down,
With my demons.
But I stay down,
With my demons

Passing buzzards in the sky,
Alligators in the sewers.
I don’t even wonder why,
Hide among the unbelievers.
Huddle with them all night long,
The worried talk to god goes on.
I sincerely tried to love it,
Wish that I could rise above it.

But I stay down,
With my demons.
I stay down,
With my demons
I stay down,
With my demons.
I stay down,
With my demons
I stay down,
With my demons

Can I stay here? I can sleep
on the floor
paint the blood and hang the palms,
On the door.
Do not think I’m going places anymore,
Wanna see the sun come up above New York.
Oh, everyday I start so great,
Then the sunlight dips.
Less I’ve learned,
The more I see the pythons and the limbs.
Do not know what’s wrong with me,
Sours in the cup.
When I walk into a room,
I do not light it up.

So I stay down,
With my demons
I stay down,
With my demons
I stay down,
With my demons
I stay down,
With my demons


3. Don’t swallow the cap
Pull out breaks behind the houses,
I don’t see what’s strange about this.
Tiny bubbles hang above me.
It’s a sign that someone loves me.
I can hardly stand upright,
Hit my head up on the light.
I have faith but don’t believe you,
This love ain’t enough to leave you.

Everything I love is on the table.
Everything I love is out to sea.

I have only two emotions,
Careful fear and dead devotion.
I can’t get the balance right.
Throw my marbles in the fight.
I see all the ones I wept for
All the things I had it in for
I won’t cry until I hear
Cause I was not supposed to be here.

Everything I love is on the table.
Everything I love is out to sea.
I’m not alone, i’ll never be.
Into the bone, i’ll never grieve.

I’m tired,
I’m freezing,
I’m dumb
When it gets so late I forget everyone.
I need somewhere to stay.
Don’t think anybody I know is awake.
Calm down,
It’s alright,
Keep my arms the rest of the night.
When they ask what do I see,
I see a bright white beautiful heaven hangin’ over me.

I’m not alone, i’ll never be.
Into the bone, i’ll never grieve.
And if you want, too seriously
To see me cry, don’t swallow the cap
Play, Let It Be, pat yourself on the back
Or, Nevermind. Too seriously

There’s a time to leave, there’s a time to think about
What I wanna say to the girls at the door.
I need somewhere to be
But I can’t get around the river in front of me.
Come down, it’s alright,
Lead my arms the rest of the night.
When they ask what do I see,
I see a bright white beautiful heaven hangin
Over me.

I’m not alone, Too seriously.
I’ll never be. Don’t swallow the cap.
Into the bone, Pat yourself on the back.
I’ll never grieve. Too seriously.
And if you want. Too seriously.
To see me cry, don’t swallow the cap.
Play, Let It Be. Pat yourself on the back
Or, Nevermind. Too seriously.


4. Fireproof
You keep my secrets
And I keep none
Wish I could go back
And keep some

You’re fireproof
Nothing breaks your heart
You’re fireproof
It’s just the way you are

You tell me you’re waiting
To find someone
Who isn’t so hopeless
But there’s no one

You’re fireproof
Nothing breaks your heart
You’re fireproof
How’d you get so far

You’re a needle in the hay
You’re the water at the door
You’re a million miles away
Doesn’t matter anymore

Jennifer you are not the only reason
My head is boiling and my hands are freezing
Jennifer you are not the only one
To sit awake until the wild feelings leave you

You’re fireproof
Nothing breaks your heart
You’re fireproof
It’s just the way you are

You’re fireproof
It’s what you always say
You’re fireproof
I wish was that way


5. Sea of Love
Before you say you love me Joe
How am I supposed to know?
When you go under the waves
What am I supposed to say?

I see people on the floor
Aspiring to the sea
Can’t stay here anymore
We’re turning into thieves

If I stay here trouble will find me
If I stay here I’ll never leave
If I stay here trouble will find me
I believe

Joe I’ll always think of you
As a kinder child who knew
This was never gonna last
Oh Joe you fell so fast

Hey Joe sorry I hurt you but
They say love is a virtue
Don’t they?
Hey Joe sorry I hurt you but
They say love is virtue
Don’t they?
Hey Joe sorry I hurt you but
They say love is virtue
Don’t they?
Hey Joe sorry I hurt you but
They say love is virtue
Don’t they?
Hey Joe sorry I hurt you but
They say love is a virtue
Don’t they?

I see people on the floor
Aspiring to the sea
Can’t stay here anymore
We’re turning into thieves

I see you rushing now
Tell me how to reach you
I see you rushing now
What’d Harvard teach you? (repeat x5)


6. Heavenfaced
I could walk out, but I won’t,
In my mind I am in your arms.
I wish someone would take my place,
Can’t face heaven all heavenfaced.
No one’s careful all the time,
If you lose me, I’m gonna die.

How completely high was I?
I was off by a thousand miles.
Hit the ceiling, then you fall,
Things are tougher than we are.
I could walk out, but I won’t,
In my mind I am in your arms.
I wish someone would take my place,
Can’t face heaven all heavenfaced.

Let’s go wait out in the fields with the ones we love.
Let’s go wait out in the fields with the ones we love.
Let’s go wait out in the fields with the ones we love.
Let’s go wait out in the fields with the ones we love.

She’s a griever, my believer
It’s not a fever, it’s a freezer
I believe her, I`m a griever now
She’s a griever, my believer
It’s not a fever, it’s a freezer
I believe her, I`m a griever now

Because we’ll all arrive in heaven alive
We’ll all arrive
Because we’ll all arrive in heaven alive
We’ll all arrive


7. This is the last time
Oh, when I lift you up you feel
Like a hundred times yourself
I wish everybody knew
What’s so great about you

Oh, but your love is such a swamp
You don’t think before you jump
And I said I wouldn’t get sucked in

This is the last time

Oh, don’t tell anyone I’m here
I got Tylenol and beer
I was thinking that you’d call somebody closer to you

Oh, but your love is such a swamp
You’re the only thing I want
And I said I wouldn’t cry about

This is the last time
This is the last time

We were so under the prime
We were so vacant and kind
We were so under the prime
We were so vacant
We were so under the prime
We were so out of our minds
We were so under the prime
We were so vacant

Oh, when I lift you up you feel
Like a hundred times yourself
I wish everybody knew
What’s so great about you

Oh, but your love is such a swamp
You don’t think before you jump
And I said I wouldn’t get sucked in

I won’t be vacant anymore
I won’t be waiting anymore
I won’t be vacant anymore
I won’t be waiting anymore
I won’t be vacant anymore
I won’t be waiting anymore

Jenny I am in trouble
Can’t get these thoughts out of me
Jenny I’m seeing double
I know this changes everything

It takes a lot of rain in the cup
It takes a lot of pain to pick me up
It takes a lot of rain in the cup
It takes a lot of pain to pick me up

Baby you gave me pain and tears
Baby you left me sad and high


8. Graceless
Is there a powder to erase this?
Is it dissolvable and tasteless?
You can’t imagine how I hate this

I’m trying, but I’m graceless
Don’t have the sunny side to face this
I am invisible and weightless
You can’t imagine how I hate this

I’m trying, but I’ve gone
Through the glass again
Just come and find me
God loves everybody, don’t remind me
I took the medicine when I went missing
Just let me hear your voice, just let me listen

I figured out how to be faithless
But it will be a sheme to waste this
You can’t imagine how I hate this

I’m trying, but I’ve gone
Through the glass again
Just come and find me
God loves everybody, don’t remind me
I took the medicine and I went missing
Just let me hear your voice, just let me listen

All of my thoughts of you
Bullets through rock and through
Come apart at the seams
Now I know what dying means

I am not my rosy self
Left my roses on my shelf
Take the wild ones, they’re my favorites
It’s the side effects that save us

Put the flowers you find in a vase
If you’re dead in the mind it will brighten the place
Don’t let them die on the vine, it’s a waste

There’s a science to walking through windows
There’s a science to walking through windows
There’s a science to walking through windows
There’s a science to walking through windows without you

All of my thoughts of you
Bullets through rock and through
Come apart at the seams
Now I know what dying means

I am not my rosy self
Left my roses on my shelf
Take the wild ones, they’re my favorites
It’s the side effects that save us

Put the flowers you find in a vase
If you’re dead in the mind it will brighten the base
Don’t let them die on the vine, it’s a waste

Put the flowers you find in a vase
If you’re dead in the mind it will brighten the base
Don’t let them die on the vine, it’s a waste


9. Slipped
I’m in the city you hated
My eyes are falling
Counting the clicks with the living dead
My eyes are red

I’m in the crush and I hate it
My eyes are falling
I’m having trouble inside my skin
I try to keep my skeletons in

Is it weird to be back in the south?
And can they even tell
That the city girl was ever there
Or anywhere

I’m having trouble inside my skin
I try to keep my skeletons in
I’ll be your friend
And a f*ck up and everything,
But I’ll never be
Anything you ever want me to be.

I keep coming back here where everything slipped
But I will not spill my guts out
I keep coming back here where everything slipped
But I will not spill my guts out

I don’t need any help to be breakable, believe me
I know nobody else who can laugh along to any kind of joke
I won’t need any help to be lonely when you leave me

It’ll be easy to cover
Gather my skeletons far inside
It’ll be summer in Dallas
Before I realize

I don’t want you to grieve
But I want you to sympathize (alright)
I can’t blame you for losing
Your mind for a little while (so did I)
I don’t want you to change
But I want you to recognize (that I)

It’ll be easy to cover
Gather your skeletons far inside
It’ll be summer in Dallas
Before you realize
That I’ll never be
Anything you ever want me to be

I keep coming back here where everything slipped
But I will not spill my guts out
I keep coming back here where everything slipped
But I will not spill my guts out


10 . I Need my girl
I am good, I am grounded
Davy says that I look taller
I can’t get my head around it
I keep feeling smaller and smaller
I need my girl
I need my girl

Remember when you lost your shit and
Drove the car into the garden
And you got out and said I’m sorry
To the vines and no one saw it
I need my girl
I need my girl

I’m under the gun again
I know I was the 45% of then
I know I was a lot of things
But I am good, I am grounded
Davy says that I look taller
I can’t get my head around it
I keep feeling smaller and smaller
I need my girl
I need my girl

There’s some things that I should never
Laugh about in front of family
In a week we’ll be together
Try to call you when I’m landed
I need my girl
I need my girl

Remember when you said I’m sorry
To the vines and no one saw it
I’ll try to call you from the party
It’s full of punks and cannonballers
I need my girl
I need my girl

I’m under the gun again
I know I was the 45% of then
I know I was a lot of things
But I am good, I am grounded
Davy says that I look taller
I can’t get my head around it
I keep feeling smaller and smaller
I need my girl
I keep feeling smaller and smaller
I need my girl
I keep feeling smaller and smaller


11. Humilliation
I survived the dinner
And the air went thinner
I retired to the briars by the pool
It gets so loud

If I die this instant
Taken from the distance
They will probably list it down
Among other things round town

Got my rings around me
I got baby to pound me
I see stars and go weak
My baby cries and lays me down

In the skies over black Venice
I see eyes of a white menace
The surprise of the week
Is that I never heard the sound

And all the L.A. women
Fall asleep while swimming
I got paid to fish ‘em out
And then one day I lost the job

And I cried a little
I got fried a little
Then she laid her eyes on mine
And she said, «Babe, you’re better off»

I got my rings around me
I got baby to pound me
I see stars and go weak
My baby cries and lays me down

In the skies over black Venice
I see eyes of a white menace
The surprise of the week
Is that I never heard the sound

Tunnel vision lights my way
Leave a little life today

As a free-fall advances
I’m the moron who dances
I was teething on roses
I was in guns and noses

Under the withering white sky’s a humiliation
Under the withering white sky’s a humiliation

Tunnel vision lights my way
Leave a little life today
Tunnel vision lights my way
Leave a little life today

She wore blue velvet
Said she can’t help it
She wore blue velvet
Said she can’t help it
She wore blue velvet
Said she can’t help it


12. Pink Rabbits
I couldn’t find quiet
I went out in the rain
I was just soakin’ my head to unrattle my brain
Somebody said you disappeared in a crowd
I didn’t understand then
I don’t understand now

Am I the one you think about when you’re sitting in your faintin’ chair
Drinking pink rabbits?
Am I the one you think about when you’re sitting in your faintin’ chair
Drinking pink rabbits?

And everybody was gone
You were standin’ in the street ‘cause you were tryin’ not to crack up
It wasn’t like a rain it was more like a sea
I didn’t ask for this pain it just came over me
I love a storm, but I don’t love lightning
All the waters coming up so fast, that’s right

Am I the one you think about when you’re sitting in your faintin’ chair
Drinking pink rabbits?
Am I the one you think about when you’re sitting in your faintin’ chair
Drinking pink rabbits?

And everybody was gone
I was standing in the street ‘cause I was trying not to crack

I was solid gold
I was in the fight
I was coming back from what seemed like a ruin
I couldn’t see you coming so far
I just turn around and there you are

I’m so surprised you want to dance with me now
I was just getting used to living life without you around
I’m so surprised you want to dance with me now
You always said I held you way too high off the ground

You didn’t see me I was falling apart
I was a white girl in a crowd of white girls in the park
You didn’t see me I was falling apart
I was a television version of a person with a broken heart
You didn’t see me I was falling apart
I was a white girl in a crowd of white girls in a park
You didn’t see me I was falling apart
I was a television version of a person with a broken heart

And everybody was gone
You were standin’ in the street cause you were trying not to crack up
Now I only think about Los Angeles when the sun kicks out
Now I only think about Los Angeles when the sun kicks out

You said it would be painless
The needle in the dark
You said it would be painless
It wasn’t that at all
You said it would be painless
The needle in the dark
You said it would be painless
It wasn’t that at all (when the sun kicks out)

You said it would be painless
The needle in the dark (when the sun kicks out)
You said it would be painless
It wasn’t that at all


13. Hard to Find
I can see the glowing lights
I can see them every night
Really not that far away
I could be there in a day

I wonder if you live there still
I kinda think you always will
If I tried you’d probably be
Hard to find

What I feel now about you then
I’m just glad I can explain
You’re beautiful and close and young
In those ways we were the same

There’s a lot I’ve not forgotten
I let go of other things
If I tried they’d probably be
Hard to find

They can all
Just kiss off into the air
They can all
Just kiss off into the air

I don’t know why we had to lose
The ones who took so little space
They’re still waiting for the years
To cover what we can’t erase

I’m not holding out for you
I’m still watching for the signs
If I tried you’d probably be
Hard to find

They can all
Just kiss off into the air
They can all
Just kiss off into the air


[REC] 4 Apocaplípsis entra a preproducción

La gran saga de terror española [REC], verá su cuarta entrega durante el 2014. Después que los directores Paco Plaza y Jaime Balaugero se separaran para realizar la parte 3 «Génesis»  estrenada el 2012 y la 4 «Apocalípsis» respectivamente.

Según vimos la tercera parte fue un refresco de la saga, un setting complementamente fresco y un desligamiento del estilo de «lost footage» o «shoulder cam» que veníamos acostumbrados. De hecho hice un review espectacular hace un tiempo atrás que pueden consultar en el siguiente link : [REC] 3 Génesis y su historia

Pero ahora, al ver el anuncio y el teaser trailer de «Apocalipsis», se da a entender que Balagueró retomará lo que dejó en la segunda entrega y continuará la trágica historia de la reportera Angela Vidal (interpretada por la bellísima Manuela Velasco) tras el rescate del edificio de parte de fuerzas especiales que desconocen qué lleva dentro de su cuerpo dando pie a que toda la cuarentena y show de las dos primeras entregas se vaya al carajo y all hell broke loose.

En el sitio oficial se www.rec4apocalipsis.com se nos entrega un trailer en el que prácticamente se nos hace un refresco de lo sucedido en la primera entrega y un poster que muestra a Angela con un guiño de «pure evil inside» bien spooky.



A armarnos de paciencia por que posiblemente pasen unos cuantos meses para tener aún más adelantos.
